MAS Community Health proudly focuses on sourcing and recruiting the highest level of quality professionals to deliver a full range of services in the community, in client homes, at schools, and any of the MAS office locations. We understand the importance of choosing an agency that meets your needs.
Our talent is finding yours.
MAS Community Health envisions a statewide presence focused on helping individuals and families build natural supports to enhance life and a positive future. We provide innovative behavioral health therapies and exceptional service by listening and adapting to the needs we see in the Maine communities we proudly serve.
If you are passionate about healthy lifestyles, helping others, and health promotion, a career as a community health worker may be perfect for you.
Community health workers provide a support system for people in need or in underserved communities. From community education, helping people get the resources they need, public health education, and social support, you will be able to support all community health needs. There are a wide array of available positions for helping out your community members.
A CHW program may include the following services to community members:
As a community health worker, you will need the proper CHW training and education to support the community. Whether working in your own community or helping guide healthy communities outside of your normal stomping grounds, you should be able to connect and gain the trust of the community you serve.
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